What lights you up?

What would bring you pleasure today?


I am not talking about sexual pleasure.


I am talking about what lights you up.

What brings you joy.

What makes your body hum with delight.


Julia Cameron in her famous book “The Artist’s Way” talks about taking yourself on an Artist Date. It is something you do once a week by yourself for your enjoyment.

Something that you don’t usually do and invites a bit of playfulness.

I call it a Pleasure Date.


Maybe you buy yourself new colored pencils and a coloring book.

Maybe you wander through a nursery or a botanical garden.

Maybe you take a dance class.

Maybe it means savouring a cup of tea without being interrupted by the world.


Make a list of things that light you up and make your body hum.

Call it My Book of Desires.

Then plan your date and put it in the calendar.

Know that resistance to it will show up!

‘That’s ridiculous’, ‘I don’t have time for that’, ‘That’s frivolous’

Don’t push the resistance away. Invite her on your pleasure playdate. Go on the adventure together and observe how it makes you feel!


Let me know what you come up with and how it went!


I am rereading a favorite book of mine today while sitting by the fireplace and sipping hot lemon water.

The book is called The Wild Woman’s Way by Michaela Boehm.

As it says in the book, it is a passionate love letter to the body.

And words like that make my body hum with delight!

With love and pleasure,



Theres KullComment