A Love Letter - Valentine's Day or V Day

I thought long and hard about this day, what it came to mean for me and what I wanted to say to you about it.

First, I wanted to talk about V Day, Vagina Day. And that would have become a battle cry against the violation of women.

Then I thought about the commercialization of this day. A day where we fall prey to how we should pay attention to our special someone as an assurance to the relationship.

But neither feels right for me at this moment.

And since my work centers around women and their connection to their body, I would like to invite you to make this day into a day of adoration and reverence for yourself.

 Loving yourself releases your life force and expands your beauty – Mama Gena


Make this a day about worship and love of your magnificent temple, your body.

Your body that serves you day in and out, and is so worthy of your appreciation.

I know that it is not always easy to do because we sometimes feel betrayed by our body. Be it by changes in its appearance, be it because of illness we have no control over. Or by occurrences that have us not feel safe in our body.


Today, the day of romantic relationships, see if you can find a part or all of your body that deserves your love and attention.

Focus your awareness on that part and the felt sense that is available at this moment. Feel the contours, the texture, the temperature of your chosen area.

Become your own lover.

How do you like to touch yourself? With firm strokes or a feathery caress?

Can you find pleasure in giving love and attention to yourself?

Close your eyes and let your hands wander.

Find areas of pleasure and aliveness through your touch.

Maybe in your elbow crease or on the top of your foot. As you bring attention to this part, try to increase the sensations of well-being just a bit.

As you touch your body add words of love

Shower yourself with loving words about your whole being. Say all the things you wish you would have been told. Be proud of the full spectrum that is you!

When you feel full, write yourself a Love Letter. Include the experience of your loving touch and the word bath you gave yourself.

Down the road in moments of doubt remember and reread your Love Letter to yourself.

Happy Valentine's Day!

With love and pleasure,



Theres Kull