
I’m Theres

A Mother, a Dancer, a Seeker, devoted to the magnificence of the Feminine, and a Multidisciplinary Coach 


about me

While I have always been highly sensitive to my body’s undeniable instincts, I have often overridden the messages with the logic of my brain, creating a split between body and mind.

My critical, calculating, logical brain helped me fill all the roles life asked me to play. But every once in a while, I would feel utterly lost, not knowing anymore who I was at my core beyond those roles.

My quest to heal the split led me to study various embodiment, movement and sensuality practices that taught me to grow and integrate my capacity for sensations and to pay attention to the music my body instrument wanted to play. I learned that I could lead my life with both aspects in a partnered dance. I found that the more I attuned to and followed the truth in my body, the more I felt at ease and connected. As a result, I was able to discern what filled me up and what depleted me, AND the more I enjoyed life!

Now, I’m dedicated to sharing all I’ve learned with other women. By combining life coaching, embodiment, and movement practices, and drawing from the philosophies of Feng Shui and Slow Sex, I create intimate (and at times provocative) experiences for women to drop out of their calculating and critical minds to fully experience the sensual richness of the everyday moment.

There truly is so much beauty, joy, and sacredness ALREADY here, AND there’s so much more available. Learning to attune and connect with your body is the way there. Everything I do with my clients is designed to help them develop and strengthen that connection. 


My Mission:

To guide women in intimately connecting with themselves, through their bodies, all their senses and emotions to ultimately experience the sensual richness of the ordinary every day.

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My Values

Intimacy – Sensuality – Freedom

Be intimate with Yourself. Feel the sensations the body is generating, pleasant or unpleasant, and use the wisdom of your body as a guiding principle.

Express Yourself. Open your senses to the peak of your pleasure, the riot of rage, the spiral of sorrow and don’t ever say sorry for who you are!

Free Yourself. Let yourself be free of all societal, personal, and family pressures. Let Go.

You are your best advocate. Be aware of how you feel and honour those feelings. Take care of your body, mind, heart, and soul. Bring authenticity, intimacy, and responsibility/respondability to life.

Feng-Shui Coaching for Women
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