The Embodied Living circle


Since the dawn of time, women have come together in circle.

To be in relationship with each other, to listen to each other, to learn from each other.
Being in a circle asks us to truly connect with another human being. 
While we live mostly as individuals pretending we can go at it alone, and are often wary of each other,

our natural state is to be together.



The Embodied Living Circle is based on Theres’s framework of Embodied Living and includes practices adapted from The Wild Women’s Circle™, which she is a certified teacher of.

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2 hours group session

Come together with other women seeking to deepen the connection to their body. In this group session you will explore and become intimate with the sensations of your body and learn to discern its signals.

Through exercises, movement, dance, and ritual you will discover how you express as a woman and experience a deepening of your relationship with yourself and those around you.

We will look at Intimacy with Self, with Relationships and with the Environment and engage in conversations about sensuality, sexuality and sovereignty.


In a circle we will engage with the following 4 elements: 

• Each Circle starts with a themed check in, which allows you to be seen, heard and expressed. You’ll join a dedicated tribe of women who you can practice and play with.

• Embodiment is an invitation to “come back into the body.” It is the process of becoming alive to the signals our bodies perceives and sends. You will engage in movement and exercises that sensitize and enliven your body.

• Explore your personal expression of the Feminine through movement, partnered dialogue and exercises.

• Engage in meaningful and potent ritual as a means to connect with yourself and others.


Investment | $64 USD

Investment for the Embodied Living Circle includes:

Themed check-in, movement and dialogue excercises



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