The Embodied Living Program


I was in my early midlife, driving down the highway on a beautiful colorful fall day, when it struck me that the only color I could see and feel was gray.

The gray had seeped into my bones and my being. I felt lost and powerless. So disconnected to my inner self and my body. Like every ounce of pleasure, power and richness I once felt turned to ashes. 

Was that it...a gray life for the rest of my life. Was I only going to get older and grayer and feel less alive? Where was the lust for life I used to have?

I wished for something that was only for myself. Something that was deeply nourishing. Where I didn’t have to share with anyone. Where I mattered after midlife. Where color, joy and intimacy could flow back into my life, my relationships...and myself again.


Maybe you've lost that sense of aliveness after mid-life too? 

You've dedicated decades to being the caring wife and mom, keeping up with the demands of your high-achieving career...and know you can no longer ignore the dwindling connection with your inner self.
Your personal relationships have lost the spark and intimacy they once had. You feel worn out and no longer want to put up with the negative inner thoughts about your changing, aging body.
You know the societal conditioning of what it means to be a woman after midlife doesn't sit well with you...but you don't know how to step out of it and where to even start.


The truth is you can live each day with pleasure, purpose, intimacy & freedom in mid-life and beyond.

That embodied, deeply connected, and intimate version of you is in there. She may have just gone to sleep like a flower in winter. Quieted down by our youth oriented culture that claims women can't express their sensual, sexual or sovereign selves in this season of life. The truth is you get to have a nourishing relationship with yourself and your body. You get to ignite the fire in your being and rise into a more pleasure-filled, purpose-led and colorful life again. It only gets better...after mid-life.

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6 months 1:1 Program

Your access to pleasure is access to your life force and your freedom as a woman.
The Embodied Living Program is a six month one-on-one journey for women who feel a longing to reignite a deeper sense of connection to themselves in mid-life and beyond.
Walk the path to strengthen your level of intimacy with yourself, your relationships and your environment through coaching, embodiment practices and tools bespoke to you. Here we will reawaken your sensuality and your sexuality and step into a new chapter of life where pleasure and power come alive. The Embodied Living Framework is the guiding principle to connect to the three areas of intimacy we want to cultivate:

With yourself,  your relationships, your environment.


our focus:

By focusing on sensuality, sexuality and sovereignty,  you journey inward to ultimately create a new vibrant and alive outward reflection of all levels of intimacy.
The different aspects are accessed through your body and your senses and are designed so that you grow your capacity for an intimate,  pleasure filled life in mid-life and beyond.

• We will use traditional coaching tools in our conversations, discovering your values and desires and open new doorways of awareness.
• Through movement and embodiment practices we will explore your body as a highly sensitive organ that lets your inner knowing come to life.
• We will explore the qualities of feminine and masculine energies and how to dance with them.
• We will use relaxation techniques to soften the armouring your body carries from the daily stresses of life.

Together we create rituals to further your connection to yourself.


Program overview

You will meet with Theres over Zoom for your 90 minute calls 3 times a month for 6 months. 

The one-on-one coaching program is an experiential, non-linear engagement especially curated for the woman who will be mentored by Theres on this deeply personal journey. In the calls you will be guided through her Embodied Living Framework, an inward focused journey through the three areas of intimacy in your life: the connection with yourself, your relationships and your environment. 

You’ll learn how to lower the ambient noise of your life to relax, unwind and restore your overtaxed nervous system.

Together you will work through blockages and find openings for deeper pleasure and enjoyment of life.


Your journey:

• You’ll learn to honor your light, darkness, tenderness and rage, bringin all parts of the self into the room to love them fully and to discover the sacred place they have in a healthy and vibrant life.

• You’ll explore how you can intimately connect to your body through your senses and attune to your body’s messages.

• You’ll redefine Sexuality and map your specific path to pleasure and to your unique holistic sexual wellbeing.

• You will claim your Sovereignty, sourced from deep within and embody your integrity, no longer looking for outside approval.

At the end of the 6 month journey you will have increased sensitivity to your inner signals. You’ll have practices to deeply nourish yourself sensually and sexually and reclaim all of who you are within the beauty of your whole body.

You’ll have an expanded understanding of intimacy and tools to design your surroundings so that they support you in a profound way.


Investment | $5340 USD

Investment for the 6 month program includes:

3 calls per month for 90 minutes over Zoom. You'll receive a call recording and the link to a Spotify playlist created for you.

*Payment plan available.


Ready to ignite a life that makes you feel deeply alive again?

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