The Riot of Rage - part 2 - unbound

The rage that rose still creates chaos in my system. It sits like a dense ball in my belly. A ball with spikes that are bound by conditioning to be agreeable but would like to be freed to lash out, to hit, to destroy.


While I sensed the rage deep down, I could also feel how I didn’t feel safe in my body in this moment with this person.

Safe to express my thoughts. Safe in my being.

A dense fog began to envelop me. I lost the contours of my body and my tongue got thick and heavy. For a moment I couldn’t form words to express how I felt.

My female body was deeply upset.

We are taught to be rational, to figure things out.

But right then my female animal body asked me to listen in, to drop the rational and follow what is deemed irrational, my sensations and emotions.

She asked to attune to what my body was saying and align with her response. The rising fog and the spiky uncomfortable sensations underneath.

We women are taught to put our emotions away, to swallow them. We’re afraid that feeling everything would make us raging, out of control bitches.

But quite the opposite is true.

Allowing myself to feel everything, loosened sediments of experiences past and I was able to unbind the rage I felt deep in my belly.

Unbinding rage doesn’t mean we lash out.

Lashing our happens when we suppress all we feel and lock everything into a little box. At one point or another the top will blow off and no one around us will be spared from our useless volatility. (I’ve been there more often than I care to admit)

Unbinding rage means restoring power to our body. It means being with all the sensations, loving and acknowledging the forbidden emotions. Feeling what it wants.

I know that if I give my rage voice in form of movement, sometimes, stomping around and huffing and puffing, other times just subtle hip movements, it will let me hear the powerful messages it has for me. It becomes a tool to gain clarity for what I stand for.

The rage is no longer poison but becomes my medicine.

That evening, standing in the discomfort of it all brought clarity, discernment, and renewed agency to step into the space of how I want to live and work.


To be an advocate for the Feminine.

For women, their bodies, their freedom, their sovereignty.

To facilitate their access to sensuality – to feeling the answers in their body, the Yes and the No with such clarity that they can have a choice and tools to fight back.

To explore the full spectrum of their sexuality – without shame, claiming what they want and having the agency to flow effortlessly from shining their light as bright as possible to dimming it for only a select few.

To fully embody their sovereignty. Being able to stand up for themselves regardless of external forces. Having the wisdom to create their own truth, no longer restricted by anyone else.


 With love and devotion,


Theres Kull