The first words that I have been taught to connect with SEX were intercourse, behind closed doors, something to be done or talked about in secret, power and the abuse of such.

Over the years however I have awakened to a whole different understanding and experience of sex. My perspective of sexuality has profoundly changed.

And I have reclaimed my right to own my sexuality. It is sexuality from a woman’s point of view.

I am standing on the shoulders of the women who have come before me and have blazed the way for my sisters and me, to no longer accept boundaries and limitations in the pursuit of our careers. We fought hard for our brainpower to be acknowledged.

But many of us paid a price. We lost the connection to our body and its wisdom and with that the connection to our sensuality, sexuality and our vitality.

Wanting to achieve it all, career, motherhood and all the other roles we have taken on in our daily life, we forget who we are at our core. We have fallen asleep. Sexually. And it shows up for some as low desire, low libido.

And what else is libido then an impulse or lust for life!

Sex or sexual energy is what we are born with and it is our birthright. As women to feel completely free and empowered in all areas of our lives we have to fully reclaim it.

On a daily basis we get bombarded with sexual imagery that is telling us how we have to look, what we have to feel. And it has nothing to do with the true power that lies within us.

Sexual energy is the generative force that creates new, again and again. It runs through us and like in nature, creates constantly, boldly, without holding back and without shame and with a tremendous lust for life.

That is the language that our bodies once knew and that many of us women crave to re-member. It is the language of desire, the language of our senses and the ability to enjoy pleasure with the fullness of our being.

It means to awaken, rediscover and reconnect to all of our body, from our vagina to our womb space, to our heart, our mind and our spirit.

And it means for all of us to emerge as radiant, glowing women who know their truth and true power, and who want to use their sexual energy to live a life in full integrity.

As Woman.

With pleasure,


Theres Kull