The Pillars and the Lenses - The Lenses

On this journey to creating deeper intimacy, we explore the following aspects of our being through these lenses.


Sensuality: be intimate with your body’s language

Sexuality: redefined on your terms

Sovereignty: freedom to be your authentic self 


The portal to more intimacy, pleasure, to vitality and well-being, starts with the connection to your body.

With your sensuality.

It starts wit cultivating an intimate relationship with your body. With befriending all her emotions, the underlaying felt sense, and bringing love and total acceptance to whatever shows up. By learning the subtle language of your body, you expand your capacity for sensations.


They are your gateway to your sexuality.

A sexuality that you get to define on your terms. Not by what society tells you or by what you learned growing up. It’s sexuality that honors what’s true for you. It’s full of permission.


With that comes increased sovereignty.

You claim your authentic self. You claim what you want. You belong to yourself.

Sovereignty is sourced from within. Through the connection that you cultivate with yourself. You are no longer looking for outside approval. You live rooted in your truth, free from circumstances.


A holistic approach to women’s health and well-being, includes sexual wellness. I believe this inward oriented path to full body pleasure deserves attention and nurturing.



You get to want what you want.

You get to ask for what you want.

Where necessary, you get to negotiate the difference.


You get to expect to have what you want.

And not be attached to the outcome.


You want – you request

No shit, no kidding.

With love and pleasure,


Theres Kull