Dance with your arms up!

It was a full moon yesterday. According to Astrology it was a full moon in Leo.

Leo asks us to put our crown of sovereignty on.

It asks us to sing in the shower, to dance like no one’s watching, to make life our art and, in my case, to dance with my arms up!


As the glow of the full moon shines and still follows us into the weekend I wanted to share with you a short story.


It was the year, friends of my daughter celebrated their bar mitzvah.  

She came home telling me that she was invited to this boy’s festivities. As we were friends with his parents, we already had gotten the invitation to join them for the coming-of-age ceremony and the party afterward. Which I knew included dancing.

When I told my daughter that I happily answered yes to the invitation, she looked at me with horror on her face.


She: You’ll be there? You can’t dance!

Me: Why would I not if there is music?

She: But you can’t look at me! And, you definitely can’t dance with your arms up!!!


It was a beautiful ceremony at the Temple.

And a party that was great fun.

Of course, I danced with my hands up! I can’t help it. To this day it is what happens.

She shot daggers at me across the room.

But dancing puts me in a state of bliss and not much matters at that moment.


I told the story to my then belly dance teacher. To this day she retells it to her students as an encouragement to dance with abandon.


As you can see in the banner above, not much has changed.


This weekend, I encourage you to put your crown on, dance with your arms up (or your version of it) to your favorite song! See what happens.


With love and pleasure!

Theres Kull