Sweetness in my Belly

In this ongoing pleasure experiment I decided to explore how I feel about pleasure in various body parts.

In the modality that I teach, the Non-Linear Movement Method®, pleasure is an exploration all by itself. Through movement we track the sensations of pleasure, of well-being in our bodies.

Sometimes there is a lot of pleasure available and sometimes only small pockets. And all is welcome.

Every kind of pleasure belongs to us in any way our body offers or receives it.

All we need is to give ourselves permission and kind and gentle acceptance.


This time I chose to connect to pleasure through a belly movement practice.

If we were animals, we would be on all fours and our soft front surface would be protected. As humans walking upright, most of us protect and armour ourselves by tensing our bellies.

And we women get conditioned from an early age that flat and firm stomachs make us more desirable.

What would happen if we would release that armour and let our bellies be soft?


Laying on my back, bringing awareness to my body, I started to move with the sensations that showed up in that moment.

Putting my hands on my belly, I let myself feel the softness, the rolls, the squishy parts. As I was touching and exploring textures and contours, my whole belly history showed itself like a movie.

And while there were difficult moments in that story, there were also very beautiful ones.

As I kept moving, sensing what I could feel underneath the pictures, I found a lot of warmth. The more I relaxed, the more the warmth spread. It became a pooling sensation of sweetness, like warm golden honey.

When I ended my exploration, I felt so full, nourished, and hydrated.


Give it a try. It’s an invitation to relax chronically tight spaces within us. See what happens if you can relax just a bit more.

And don’t forget to celebrate every little drop of pleasure!


 With love and pleasure!



Theres Kull