The Crone, The Queen and more

Crone and Queen are words that have shown up in my online space for a while.

These are often the words that are used to describe women post menopause.

I’ve come across the Crone already many years ago in my pursuit to learn more about the Goddess culture, her history and traditions and the influence on our lives today.

It was the trifecta of Maiden-Mother-Crone, which symbolizes the separate stages of a woman’s life cycle, that caught my attention.

At that time, Mother was what described me. I wanted to feel excitement for the next stage, the Crone, but I had a hard time with it.

At what age was I to be called Crone?

Was there a transition time, a learning period, before I could claim that term? Did I even wanted to be one?

Look up the word and the explanations online and you get Old Woman.

If you look a little further, you get to understand that crone also holds wisdom and can be a source of wise council. (That sounded somewhat better to me than Old Woman.)

I don’t seem to be the only one who doesn’t quite yet want to be a Crone.

Enter the Queen.

A term that many now have claimed for the time between Mother and Crone. It’s a term that feels empowering and that we midlife women certainly have earned.

And while this is an archetype or flavor that resonates more with how I feel and who I am at this point in my life, it still leaves me wanting.


I have been in archetypal/ flavor exploration for over two years now.

We use the different flavors or archetypes as portals to a deeper and more varied understanding of our own personal expression. The immensely rich palette of flavors is unique to each individual and adds color to our being.

And what a relief that I didn’t have to fit into any one model or any one word that describes me as an older woman! (That holds true for that matter for any woman at any age!)


I always thought that we women are multifaceted.

Awakening these collective energies that reside in us and exploring them through movement opens the doors to those many facets that are us.


I can explore the Crone or the Queen.

And I can also explore the Innocent Child, the Bratty Teenager, the Seductress, the Empress, the Sorceress.

To name just a few!

I have aspects of all of them within me. And because I have explored their depth through my body, I can embody them when needed or desired and add a bit of spice to my life.


I explore some of these facets with my clients.

With one of them it felt right to explore the Empress. What a difference it made in her life claiming her seat on the throne! She stepped into true sovereignty, a place of self-worth, confidence, and power, all with a generous and open heart.


What flavor calls to you? One of the above or something else? Is there one that calls to you or one that you feel repulsed by?

I would love to hear your thoughts! Please leave a comment below the blog.


With love,


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