
So much time has passed since I have been in your inbox last!

And so much has happened since then.

Lots of travel, visiting friends, a long hot summer and the creation of a framework for my embodied living coaching and a rebrand that reflects what lights me up.

We hardly had any rain but a lot of dry wind. I’ve gotten used to living without air conditioning and most days went to the lake to cool off. However, there were times where the lake felt like my friend’s heated pool. Wonderful on cooler days being blanketed by the warm water. Not so much in the relentless heat we had this summer.

As the land around me exploded with fullness I felt into nothingness.

I realized that the more I resisted the heat the hotter it felt. There wasn’t much else to do than to surrender and melt into the day.

When I moved here to Italy, I wanted to live life more embodied, meaning feeling my surroundings, becoming more in tune with the cycles of the days, months, the seasons of the year because I missed living attuned to the clear cycles that my menstruating body had for me.

I used the embodiment practice I teach my clients to become more intimate with the sensations in their body as an experiment to become more sensitive to the cycles of nature and how they affected me.

So I let go of not finding words to write and gave myself permission to do other things depending on the heat of the day.

Sure enough with the change to the cooler weather, finally getting rain, now fog and shorter darker days, my brain cells are engaging again.

I like this time of the year.

Nature pulls her juices back into the soil and the roots and rests. I’m being pulled inward for renewed sourcing but at the same time excited to burst with new projects:

Et voilà!

Embodied Living in mid-life and beyond

Reignite your sensuality, sexuality, and sovereignty


Embodied Living is about intimacy.

Intimacy with Self, Intimacy with Relationships and Intimacy with the Environment.

Each aspect of intimacy is explored through the lens of Sensuality, Sexuality and Sovereignty.


The embodied, deeply connected, and intimate version of us is in there. She may have just gone to sleep like a flower in winter. Quietened down by our youth oriented culture that claims women can't express their sensual, sexual or sovereign selves in this season of life. The truth is we get to have a nourishing relationship with ourselves and our body. We get to ignite the fire in our being and rise into a more pleasure-filled, purpose-led and colorful life.

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!

 With love and pleasure








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