Here’s my story


From a young age,
I have been fascinated with movement.

I trained as a dancer and was taught that you must look and move a certain way to be taken seriously. The technique became more important than expressing what the music made me feel. I danced with my brain disconnected from my body,

All this changed when I had this amazing teacher who asked us to focus on feeling the music rather than on what we looked like. It was liberating to let go and get a different sense of my body.
Whenever I had a bad day, I knew I could walk into the dance studio and just let the difficulties of the day wash away by connecting to my emotions and let them lead my movements.

As the years went by, I couldn’t shake that liberating feeling of just letting go. This feeling inspired
me to become a physical therapist to help people heal through movement.
My body continued to do what it knew best. It nurtured: my parents, friends, patients, and later my
children and my husband. I went headfirst, taking on the roles of wife, mother, chauffeur, cook,
cleaner, seamstress, and nurse, without really taking a moment for myself. My body truly forgot to
listen to itself and to nurture itself.

There was the unrequested attention of men, betrayal, sexual abuse by my husband’s boss and a lot of
loss. I was exhausted from life that presented me with these challenges. I fell asleep, numbed myself
and lost my joy for the magic of life.

This loss of sensual aliveness within my body impacted my relationship and my family, and it also
made me feel like I was slowly dying. Thankfully something about that shook me up, and I wanted to live life a different way. So, I took a chance and started my studies to become a Feng Shui Master. Through that training, I learned and practised meditation. I tried to love meditation, but it didn’t help relieve my anxiety or pain, unlike dancing.

Prompted to give a final presentation to the Feng Shui faculty, I decided to look back at my dancer background and to understand how energy moves through the body. Movement stilled my mind, relieved my anxiety, and felt like I had finally come home to myself again.

Dancing became part of a process of self-awareness that helped me acknowledge my needs and wishes regardless of my roles. I experienced a new connection to my emotions and my senses and gained a different understanding of the beauty and sensuality of the female body.

To further my quest to fill my hunger for exploring the mind, the connection to the body and how the space around us is of influence, I came to coaching and then trained as a coach.

With the knowledge that sensuality is an integral part of who we are as women, trusting and sourcing the wisdom of my senses through movement, experiencing how the space around us is of influence, I created a unique approach to coaching.

I encourage women to create a sacred space where they can fall in love with their own depth of feminine genius and source their wisdom from within.

Over time the sensitivity to my inner wisdom has guided me to make all my major financial, career and relationship decisions based on the simplest of sensory truths:

It feels right. I know this. I want it.

Trusting your body-instincts take courage. It often means flying in the face of sensible logic.
It means breaking old patterns and creating new pathways.
It means yielding to the truth of this moment without attachment to a particular outcome but trusting
you are being cared for by the abundance of life itself.

I would lie if I told you that the journey of embodied living was an easy one. Old patterns of my
upbringing, thousands of years of oppression and shame are imprinted in my body.
It takes a commitment every day, daily cultivation of practices, to keep the new pathways free from
weeds and brambles.

Every once in a while, I fall asleep, or life puts an obstacle in my way. I think about the practices rather than doing them, and I fall. The price is feeling out of sorts, cranky, and utterly lost.

The daily practice is my ritual to keep me anchored deeply within my body.

Life from that place flows with ease and grace.

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