Come... completely alive


We are sensual beings in a stainless-steel world,

bearing thousands of years of oppression and shame.

We belong in the garden. We know it. We feel it.

But our bodies are sleeping, tangled in should.



What if you weren’t brought into this world for a tangible purpose –

no mandated career, objective of goal –

but purely to feel and to be felt. To love and be loved.

Question priorities. Begin to awaken.



Your vivid desires might not always be cheery.

Your cravings might lead to the pit of your soul.

Your identity might unravel, as you connect with your truth.

But knowing what you want is a gift, beyond measure.



You have a choice: to stay sleeping or awaken.

To herald desire as a messenger of clarity –

Or to seal yourself away in a cocoon.

You have a choice: to come back to the garden,

Or remain at the gates.


I want to you to come…

Completely alive.


Theres Kull